
Saturday, May 29, 2021

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. I wish sewing were as easy as it looks. It's just a needle and thread, right? But I can't do it.

2. My plans this weekend include naps and more naps. At least that's what I'm hoping.

3. It's hard to believe that Mudpie has been with me for nearly 6 years already. That little girl has enriched my life more than words could ever say.

4. I need coffee in the morning in order to function. Lately more than ever!


  1. My human can't sew either! She can Photoshop a button on a shirt better than she can sew it.

  2. Nice colourful art, Mudpie.
    I used to make a lot of my own clothes as a teenager, then I went to work in a factory for a few years using a sewing machine. That put me off sewing for life!

  3. Pawsome arty pic Mudpie!!!!
    Mum likes to sew, though she does not do much these days.
    Most of her sewing is done with a machine ;)
    She used to make her clothes way back when she was in school . Now she hardly ever sews(been there, done that).
    Purrs, Julie

  4. Your art is beautiful , just like you Miss Mudpie. Thank you to your mom for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I hope you get lots of napping in this weekend, the rainy weather is perfect for that. I can't function without coffee wither. :) Have a nice weekend. XO

  5. Your art is stunning sweet Mudpie! Those were good answers too!

  6. Good answers and beautiful art, Mudpie!

  7. My Granny is a seamstress and has great sewing skills but Mum is useless at sewing.

    Lovely art!

  8. That is some fun art Mudpie and you sure do a lot for Mom. Our Dad needs his coffee too. Great fill ins

  9. Amazing artwork!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  10. I tried my hand at sewing once but it wasn't for me. TW used to knit, crochet and do needlepoint in her teens back when some guy named Washington was POTUS.

  11. Mudpie, we love your beautiful and colorful art!

  12. Mudpie! Your art ROCKS! You do look like a ROCKSTAR! and we live the fill-ins. We love learning more about about the ppoeple we know through blogging.

  13. We love your art, Mudpie - so bright and cheerful.

    Mummy can't really sew either, except maybe for sewing on a button. At her high school, all the girls used to have to take needlework for the first couple of years, and She remembers making a couple of dresses and a cape, but now? Fur-get it!

  14. Yet another Mudpie masterpiece! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! I always look forward to your answers. Your answer to #1 made me laugh, because I am exactly the same way. I wear jeans until they are riddled with patches. Since I can't sew, though, my mom patches and sews everything for me. She just patched up two of my favorite pairs of jeans, bless her soul. And I am so glad you and Mudpie found each other. You two were meant to be together. Purrs!
