
Saturday, July 17, 2021

Mudpie-less #CaturdayArt

Meows from Mudpie!

We found this image on our Photo Lab app while planning my Caturday Art post. A photo was supposed to be superimposed into the sky but we thought it was absolutely purrfect the way it is so we cropped it down to just the kitties. Don't you think it's the sweetest...even without me in the artwork?

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. I just can't bring myself to part with anything that has ever belonged to any of my cats. Toys, beds, blankets. I still have Tara's last insulin bottle in the fridge and the other day I found an old Amazon box in the garage that I never recycled because Truffles slept in it for awhile and had made scratch marks on the bottom.

2. I have a hankering for a peppermint mocha. Immersing myself in all things in Christmas in July is the only way I survive summer.

3. Tara's diabetes changed my life. Being the sole person in charge of her daily testing and insulin shots showed me I'm far stronger than I ever thought I was, especially when the life of someone I loved dearly depended on it.

4. At this stage of my life, I'm comfortable being me. I've always been an old soul and throughout my teens, 20s and 30s never really felt like I fit in with the crowd. Now I'm happy that was the case because "with the crowd" isn't such a great place to be.


  1. That is very sweet art!

    P.S. Now you have my human wanting a peppermint mocha too.

  2. That is too cute, but please, Mudpie- make it about you next time.

  3. That's adorable!! Mom says it's amazing what we can do if we have to do it for a loved one.

  4. That is such a sweet picture even if you are not in it, Mudpie.

  5. That really is beautiful art! Those were good answers, really!

  6. Beautiful art and good answers! I sympathize with your #3. We too cared for our diabetic cat. Although I don't like needles, I did learn to give the insulin shots.

  7. That is a beautiful image. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I completely understand #1, I have so many toys, blankets, bowls, etc. that I have lost count. And I am with you on #4. XO

  8. Love that art and you have some really great answers too. When young I had a tough time understanding that I was different and then in my 30s accepted that I was. You are right Thank Cod I am "different."

  9. Where are you MP? Maybe I should artify the pic TW's friend JMS took of Syssinyfe with her paw around her brofur Wendell C. TW never had a peppermint mocha but she bought herself a frozen Duncachino for her birthday. A large one that she's been nursing for 4 days. MOL! Somehow the thought of peppermint coffee doesn't appeal to her.

  10. I love this picture! And those are some great responses. The mom still has toys from the cats that came before…she can’t throw them out either.

  11. This artwork is gorgeous! And thank you for joining in on the Friendly Fill-Ins! We had really similar answers for #1 and #4. I don't know if this is weird or not, but I couldn't bring myself to clean or get rid of the shirt I wore on Rosie's last day. I held her while wearing it when she took her last breath, and on that day I went home, bagged it up, and have kept it like that ever since.
