Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Is This Weird?

Meows from Mudpie!

We need our friends to settle a bit of a disagreement between Mommy and me.

I have beds and blankies all over the house. So many comfy places to sleep. But this summer my favorite spot to hang out is in the kitchen (NO, not on my pizza box, although that's still there!) on a pile of bags filled with the food(s) Mommy puts out for the birds, squirrels, and other wildlife. I curl up on top of them and nap these yucky hot days away. Most nights I sleep there too, instead of going to bed with Mommy, which really upsets her.

Mommy says I'm downright weird to be so in love with what looks like a glorified junk pile, but I say who is she to judge what's comfy or not? 

What say you?


Patricia T said...

You do look comfy, Mudpie, but I have to agree with Mommy…kitties do pick some weird places to sleep.

The Island Cats said...

I think you look purrfectly comfortable there, Mudpie. ~Ernie

Leah said...

Hmm, well, I guess feline preference and comfort should be the deciding factor ...

Sandee said...

I think you're both right. That's the best way to go here.

Have a purrfect day, Mudpie. My best to your mom. ♥

Lynn and Precious said...

We kitties pick and choose our spots with care, Mudpie. You've scoped out the right spot for now. I am called Little Miss Goldie Locks (even though I'm grey) cause I move about from place to place according to the season. I'd say you are right on target, but Lynn wishes I'd sleep with her, so she knows how your mom misses night cuddles with you. Precious

catladymac said...

Our huMom's best pillow is one filled with rice or grain or some such that absolutely wedges under her head and neck just right. We suspect that's what you enjoy about the bags of squirrel food !

Brian's Home Blog said...

We'd all be right there too sweet Mudpie, comfy IS in the paw of the beholder!

pilch92 said...

I think you are adorable and not weird at all. xo

The Florida Furkids said...

We think you should sleep anywhere you want.

Please visit our blog tomorrow!

Denise said...

My tribe is in agreement with you, Mudpie. Comfie beds are not necessarily pretty!

CRYSTAL said...

Well I think your mommy misses you sleeping with in bed so she is sad so she takes it out on you because there is nothing wrong with being comfy.
Stay comfy
Crystal & Daisy Mae

Rene said...

No, you're just a cat doing cat stuff. Ringo sleeps on a puzzle, which is far less interesting than your spot!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Haha. Anything on the ground is an invitation to sit for a cat. Any piece of paper I put on the floor will be covered by a cat in less than 1 minute!

CCL Wendy said...

I think all those lovely scents from the foods must have something to do with it, Mudpie. When you fall asleep you must dream of fields of foods, all at your disposal. If that's not comfort, I don't know what is.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

I say "if it fits, I sit!!!" I do the same. I DO use my bed...but...I'm known to rest in strange areas!! Love, Roary

Three Chatty Cats said...

Hmm, I kind of have to agree with your mom on this one. But I'm sure all of my cats would agree with you. So that's 1 for your mom and 5 for you!