
Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Happy 7th Gotcha Day, Mudpie!!!

Meows from Mudpie!

Seven years ago today my life changed forever when Mommy decided I was the kitty to fill the empty hole in her heart that Truffles left behind. We've told this story for the past 6 years on my special day, but it's a real life "fairy tail" and I didn't think you'd mind reading it again. I know that I never get tired of telling it!

It all began 10 days earlier with a series of photos posted on the shelter website. Mommy says she saw my picture and had the same feeling in her heart that she had the first time she saw Truffles. Still, she didn't want to make a hasty decision so she saved my picture to her PC and tablet and kept looking at it over and over. When she finally decided to call the shelter and ask about me it didn't take long for her to decide that I was the one.

She filled out the adoption application, gathered the needed references, and was immediately approved, but then we hit a bit of a snag. The shelter doesn't typically finalize adoptions before the prospective family meets the pet, meaning I couldn't be placed "on hold" (for lack of a better term) and when Mommy spoke to the shelter on Friday afternoon she learned that another lady had just stopped in and was very interested in me! Thankfully the nice shelter volunteer heard the panic in Mommy's voice when she reiterated that she just couldn't come get me until Sunday (they had already agreed to open the shelter just for us!) and said she'd do everything she could to steer the lady's attention to another cat. (People are just drawn to me...what can I say???)

So on a sunny Sunday morning Mommy and my Grandpa made the hour drive to make our union legal and bring me to my forever home.

She had never been to this particular shelter before and thought it was so beautiful. She especially loved the cat quotes on the walls.

She enjoyed spending a little time with Thomas, the shelter mascot, but her heart was pounding with anticipation to meet *me*!!!

There was a cute little tortie in the front holding room, and at first Mommy thought it was me! Then she was told that I was sequestered in the shelter director's office because I don't play well with others. Tattle tails!!!

As soon as Mommy saw me it was all over...I held her heart in my paws!

In no time at all the paperwork was complete and I was on my way home. Mommy rode in the back seat with me and I barely made a peep. We just gazed at each other as well fell completely in love.

I made myself at home the moment I walked in the door, immediately gravitating to the toys set out waiting for me...

...and the pawsome cat beds too! (Geez, wasn't I a skinny, scrawny little thing???) I was totally tuckered out at this point!

The whole day was just a dream come true, one Mommy and I will never forget. Life is pretty darn amazing for this little tortie today. I have a wonderful family who worships the ground I walk on, and loads of friends in the blogosphere who welcomed me with open arms.

Of all the kitties in the world, Mommy picked me. And I thank Cod for her every single day.

Note from Mommy: I thank Cod for you every single day too, precious girl!

Do you remember the day you moved to your forever home?


  1. Happy 7th Gotcha Day, Mudpie! You and your Mommy were meant to be. Luckily the shelter did their best to make sure it would happen. The pictures of you as a kitten are adorable, and you've hardly changed at all -- you're just a bigger version of your lovely self. Wishing you and your Mom many more years of happy ahead.

  2. This story has a very happy ending. That's the way it should be for all kitties. Precious came here from the orphanage too. We love seeing what you look like when you were a little kitten. And since you didn't play well with other kitties, that just means you get the whole house to yourself. That's another Plus for a well-loved kitty. Lynn and Precious XX

  3. Happy 7th gotcha day, Mudpie and Mommy! You both hit the kitty jackpot, finding each other.

  4. Happy Gotcha Day, Mudpie! What a great day that was 7 years ago!

  5. Mudpie, I think our fur angels tell our moms what the next step is
    in the life of kitties. They know so much, and here Lynn found me
    only weeks after her furever heartbreak over Seney. But she knew in
    a moment on the 'puter she had to save me, or maybe herself. Precious

  6. Aww, a very big happy gotcha day to Mudpie!!

  7. Happy Gotcha Day! We hope you get lots of squeezies today.

  8. ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day Dear Mudpie,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you!♪♫

    Have a purrfect Gotcha Day, Mudpie. My best to your mom. ♥

  9. Mudpie, I am eternally grateful that you and your mommy found each other. You two are meant to be together. Purrs, and Happy Gotcha Day to you!

  10. Happy Gotcha Day Miss Mudpie!! You gitcha'd the best home ever. XO

  11. Happy Gotcha Day! Whoa! You were once an outdoor kitty? I kinda like the other little tortie. HAH!

  12. It amazes us how the time has flown by! Happy 7th Gotcha Day, Mudpie! Here's to many many many more love filled years for you and Mommy!

  13. Happy gotcha day, Mudpie! I got in just under the wire, Pacific Time!

  14. I'm so sorry I'm way late Mudpie!!! Happy Belated Gotcha Day! Love your story and am so happy that you and your Mama found each other! xoxo
