Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Mother's Day Gift Ideas for Cat Moms from Etsy

Meows from Mudpie!

Can you believe Mother's Day is less than a month away??? I know it's going to be a tremendously difficult day for Mommy this year.

While browing Etsy for the purrfect gift for her, I found several things that any cat mom would love to receive on her special day...

Cat Shelf

Which is your favorite? I think everything here would be a hit with Mommy, but she would probably love the cowboy kitty neon sign the most. I'll need to figure out how many squeezies I would have to go without in order to pay for it.

I hope you enjoy my picks, and don't forget, if you find something here you like and make a purchase using our affiliate links, I get a little money for my piggy bank! I might even spend it on Mommy's gift!


Lynn and Precious said...

Mudpie, as a kitty cat I have terrific eyesight at night however I think that Kitty night light would be the purrfect gift that I would give to Lynn. You know humans they can't see very well in the dark. Since I'm all gray I get stepped on all the time so I think she needs a bit of help. You did a great job picking up lovely gifts for us to decide on. Precious

Patricia T said...

You and Mommy find the best things, Mudpie! My favorite is the black cat pencil holder.

The Island Cats said...

The mom says she would love to get all of these!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are some really pretty things, love the Cranky one!

pilch92 said...

All great finds. :) XO

Katie Isabella said...

OH that bracelet and that SHELF!

Catscue Cat Mom said...

I love them all, but the nightlight is my fave!

meowmeowmans said...

That kitchen towel totally made us laugh. Great gifts!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

All good. But (sadly) it would be just for me and I have too much stuff already. said...

i want that kitty cat nightlight!! great gifts!