
Saturday, May 6, 2023

Coronation Day #Caturday Art

Meows from Mudpie!

Who else is getting up at the butt crack of dawn today to watch the Coronation? We are, and while Mommy can't wait to see such a grand, historic event, she's also not a morning person. She says she'll only get up at such an ungodly hour to witness something that hasn't happened in 70 years!

The Kentucky Derby is later today too. Lots of fun stuff going on for once! I'm glad Mommy will be spending lots of time on the couch so we can cuddle.

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs...

1. A period of peace and quiet would make my life easier.

2. My May to-do list includes negotiating a new Xfinity contract and getting the car inspected.

3. If my morning starts with Mudpie cuddles, I can face the day.

4. Ending my day with Mudpie cuddles makes me calmer. Do you sense a theme? I live for Mudpie cuddles these days.


  1. Enjoy watching the Coronation with your mom, Mudpie. Thankfully it is at a much more sociable hour for us.

  2. You are quite the queen Ms Mudpie ... do you have a gown ready for a ball this evening?

  3. I'll have to watch the reruns, even though I'm up at 5:30 there's no TV here that early. Too busy feeding the kitty and myself. I like your feelings and hope Mudpie is doing well when you take her back to the doctor.

  4. Enjoy your day, Mudpie and Melissa!

  5. I wouldn't get up that early even for Nic Cage. :) Beautiful art Miss Mudpie. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I do hope things calm down for you though. XO

  6. That was super early, Mudpie and Mom Melissa. We had to content ourselves with watching the highlights. Hey, Mudpie, you look super with that crown.

  7. Queen Mudpie is better than that floozie that Charlie cheated on Di with. No, you prolly guessed that TW doesn't go for all that royal pomp.

  8. Mudpie, you look furry queenly. We love your art!

  9. CK got it right the first time. I can't get enthused about her either. Mudpie... that's our job of work. To cuddle mom.
