
Friday, August 25, 2023

Some Assembly Required #PetPhotoFails

Meows from Mudpie!

Thank you for joining us for this month's edition of the Pet Photo Fails Blog Hop! We are SO excited to see September on the horizon, although we're happy to say that while the rest of the country is sweltering, here in the northeast we've been enjoying a bit of a fall preview with high temps in the 60s and 70s! The nights have been downright chilly too! Cuddle time!!! 

Our blooper this time around was taken last month when Mommy was cat-sitting for our neighbor T-Two. T-Two was looking so cute, stretched out on her back washing her floofy tummy, but as soon as Mommy snapped a picture she stopped bathing and sat up. The picture cracks us up because she has so much fur it's hard to tell if those are front or back legs showing. She looks like a kitty that needs reassembly! 

That's our blooper...let's see yours!

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  1. That is a cute blooper. Love that expression on her face!

  2. That is a fun photo. It looks like the expression on her face she's not very happy about being caught in the middle of a bath. Someone needed to hang a shower curtain for her.

  3. T-Two does not look pleased! (I forgot all about photo fails!)

  4. T-Two is well named because she has twice as much fur as most kitties! Yes, she is a cutie pie. I hope she was able to finish her bath.

  5. Very cute kitty. Thanks for hosting the bloopers. XO

  6. Ha! Fun blooper! Adorable kitty!

  7. T-Two is epic, and we think Pandora is a lot like her! Happy Sunday sweetie we hope your day is epic!
