
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Feline Fall Foliage #CaturdayArt

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

Mommy's answers:

1. I no longer feel the need to clean up the leaves in my yard. I used to either rake them up or mow over them but last fall I didn't do a thing. Come spring I did a quick mow over them them first time I mowed the lawn, and by summer you'd never know the leaves had stayed on the ground all winter.

2. My October list of things to do includes fall cleaning and scouring the stores for new Christmas decorations.

Mudpie's answers:

3. I'm proud of myself for being such a brave girl at the vet recently. Mommy is super proud of me too! 

4. I plan to take Glandex in order to improve my anal gland health. Mommy got some for me at PetSmart this week and has been putting it in my squeezie once a day. So far I like it! 


  1. Mudpie, those golden leaves accent your beautiful eyes. Your mommy is smart to leave the leaves,mol. They are good fur the soil when mowed over like that.

  2. You match the fall colors purrfectly, Mudpie!

  3. That is beautiful art Miss Mudpie. Thank you both for these great fill-in answers. I am glad there is something to help your glands. And I hope your mom finds a lot of Christmas stuff. Tell her to check out Temu. I have been finding a lot of stuff for holidays like pillow covers and a Halloween shower curtain ( it is pink with ghosts). XO

  4. Love your art and your big eyes sweet Mudpie! Those were good answers too!

  5. Beautiful! Glad you found something to help your glands.

  6. Good for you, taking your new supplement.

    Good for your mom, not bothering with the leaves.

    I do love your fall picture.

  7. Such big and beautiful eyes, Mudpie! We love this!

  8. What beautiful Autumnal art,Mudpie!
