
Saturday, October 28, 2023

Mudpie's Gone Batty #CaturdayArt

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. If I were to attend a Halloween party, my costume would be something cat-related, most likely. It's what everyone would expect of me!

2. On Halloween, I plan to stay home and watch a scary movie with Mudpie on my lap.

3. If my life were a scary movie, it would be titled You'd Better Stay in Bed.

4. If I found an ouija board, I would not mess around with it.


  1. Mudpie, here artwork this morning as certainly in Halloween mode. I've seen quite a few other people say they would never touch a Ouija board. And neither would i. I don't believe in it but I also don't think you ought to be messing around with that kind of stuff. I'm too old to think about costumes anymore so I'm not sure what the heck I would do if I did anything.

  2. I love your Halloween art. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I am thinking of watching Hocus Pocus 2 for Halloween. God idea to avoid the ouija board. XO

  3. OH we love that mud pie kitty and how sweet to have mud pie on your lap to watch a scary movie …wonderful protection

  4. LOVED your answers. And I would not have anything to do with an Ouija board either.
    On Halloween, it's me and Katie on our own.

  5. How deliciously spooky you are looking, Mudpie!

  6. Good answers, we agree! You look spooky cool in there sweet Mudpie!

  7. Awesome artwork, Mudpie! And we thought your answers were really good!

  8. I like your answers, I wouldn't mess with one of those boards, either.

    I really like this art!
