
Friday, May 31, 2024

That's Not My Dinner #PetPhotoFails

Meows from Mudpie!

Thank you for joining us for this month's edition of the Pet Photo Fails blog hop! This entire month has felt like a great big blooper, and it's not over yet. My Grandpa was home for only 6 days when he took another tumble on Wednesday, hurt himself again, and will be headed back to rehab today for a refresher course. 

Mommy is absolutely at her wit's end. I don't know how much more of this either of them can take. 

In the midst of all this chaos Mommy has been trying to track down some of the new Garfield movie collectibles. She even treated herself to an Olive Garden meal in order to get a plastic cup. That's the setting for today's blooper. I had been checking out the cup when Mommy snapped the picture. She wasn't fast enough and just caught me walking away. Can you even see my back legs? I guess I wasn't impressed.

That's my blooper. Let's see yours!

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  1. Sorry that your Grandpa had to go back to rehab...falls are just so dangerous in older folks.

    That is a cute cup....but we laughed when we read that you had no interest in that din din!

  2. Mudpie, we kitties just know Garfield is a bit of tomcat and therefore not
    too impressed. Now, hoomans, they think is is "GeeRaaat" like Tony the Tiger. Glad yer mummy got the cup. Lynn had the first vhs movie of Garfield. No vhs player anymore so I do not have to watch it, mol.
    We hope Grandpa does good on the refresher and is home furry furry soon. Precious

  3. We're sorry your grandpa had to go back to rehab. We hope your Mom enjoyed her meal.

  4. Dearest Mudpie,
    Oh Mudpie, that not being your dinner... SAD discovery!
    So sorry to learn your Grandpa has fallen again.
    My Pieter fell twice and it is scary each and every time.
    Mariette + Kitties

  5. So was the cup not that interesting to you, Mudpie? Would you have liked it better if Garfield was a tortie?

  6. That was disappointing to see the dinner wasn't for you. I am sorry your grandpa has taken another fall and hope he hasn't hurt himself too badly.

  7. Great blooper. Walmart has Garfield pj's- I am so tempted.
    Thanks for hosting.

  8. That was a pretty yummy blooper sweet Mudpie!

  9. How awful about poor Grandpa. It sounds frustrating for everyone.

    That's a nice blooper, mine are the blurry shots of my two boy cats having a tussle.

  10. Epic fail Mudpie, sorry we're too late to link up! Happy Caturday to mew and your pawesome mom!

  11. We are so sorry about your Grandpa and for your Mom. We hope life gets better soon.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  12. I tried to link up with your list and it says your LinkyTools subscription expired and the list is not available to view. Is it just me?

    Either way, I did post fails on my Feline Friday blog.

  13. OMC you poor Grandpaw. It must have been scary for you and your mom, sweet Mudpie. Will send Healing Pawkisses for him and your momy too, we think she needs it🐾😽💞 That blooper is really a good one btw😹

  14. PS I can't add my linky, it says that the date has expired...after two days🤔
