
Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Book Review: The Little Book Of Extraordinary Cats by Anita Kelsey

Discover the captivating world of fabulous felines in The Little Book Of Extraordinary Cats. Join Anita Kelsey on a journey through fifteen remarkable tales celebrating the courage, resilience, and affection of our beloved feline companions, from pioneering space traveller Félicette to therapy cat London Meow. Whether you’re a cat lover or seeking heart-warming stories of human-animal connections, this book is a must-read.

This sweet little book is a must read for any and all cat lovers. The cover alone is as adorable as can be, and the stories inside are just as delightful. Some are humorous, others are heartbreaking, but each one shows how truly extraordinary our feline friends are.

Some kitties in the book have social media pages that I went on to follow. Others I was familiar with, such as Scarlett who saved her kittens from a fire (I actually remember this very well from when it happened), and Felicette who was sent to space. The tragic fate of some cats in the book serve as an important reminder of why they need to be kept inside. I enjoyed reading the Honorable Mentions at the end of each chapter too.

If you adore cats this book needs a spot on your bookshelf!


  1. I remember Scarlett also. It's nice to see she's included in a book of fantastic stories that I must read.

  2. That sounds good but it might have a little too much sad for me.

  3. It looks good, but I would also find it too sad. XO

  4. Thank you for your review. I am happy you enjoyed it. Re the comments left: Def not a sad book but one full of inspiration and love for these magnificent animals.
