
Sunday, June 16, 2024

From the Outside Looking In #SundaySelfie

Meows from Mudpie!

It's pretty obvious I live by the back door in the summer (Mommy calls the back hall my summer apartment). Yesterday she helped me snap this selfie while she was outside looking in at me. 

I don't think we ever told you - when grandpa fell a few weeks ago, it was right before his home health nurse was due to visit. Mommy met her at the door and explained what had happened, and the nurse rushed in to help get him off the floor. It was a good 5 minutes later before Mommy realized she hadn't made sure the back door was latched. Sure enough - the nurse had come in so fast the door didn't shut behind her, but I was just lying in the hall looking out the way I always do when Mommy holds it open for me. 

She kept telling me over and over what a purrfect little angel I am because I didn't take the opportunity to go on a walkabout. I would never do that. I know how much Mommy needs me. 

 We're joining our friends at The Cat On My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop! 


  1. Many hugs to you Mudpie for being such a good girl!
    Sad to hear that grandpa fell; wish him speedy recovery!

  2. Mudpie, we know that you stayed inside because you wanted to make sure your Grandpa got taken care of. You would never run off and leave your mommy with a problem on her hands. And we certainly hope today Father's Day, that Grandpa is feeling better.

  3. Mudpie you are a very sweet and considerate kitty indeed!
    Hoping that Grandpa is doing okay.
    Mariette + Kitties

  4. good fur yoo muddie!!!! yoo iz berry smartz!!

  5. Lovely selfie, Mudpie. You are such a good little girl. Well done for not running out!

  6. Mudpie, you are definitely a very good girl. We sure wish Sawyer had been that considerate three years ago. We all wish your grandpa a Happy Father's Day. We sure hope you and your mom are spoiling him today! XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  7. yur selfeez a bee ewe tee ful one two day mudpie N 984 PAWZ UP, for knot tryin two ezz cape.....everee tabbie, even me, mackerull.... wooda ben outta de door in a fazt minit !!! YEOW :) happee week a head two ewe ♥

  8. You're an amazing girl, sweet Mudpie😻Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day to you and you mommy too🐾😽💞

  9. You are a very good girl, Mudpie!!!

    Happy Father's Day to Grandpa!!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  10. You ARE a good girl. Well done. I BET Mum was thrilled you were such a good girl!

  11. That is such a lovely selfie of you, Mudpie. And Mommy is right -- you are a very good girl! Happy Father's Day to your Grandpa. XO

  12. That's a super good photo of the super good Mudpie!!!

  13. You are beautiful and good, and the latter is more important. I'm glad you do behave so well.

  14. Only in times of illness, or when kittens are small enough for possums or raccoons to eat, are mine locked in. It started with my mother not wanting animals in the house. It's become almost a point of honor--all resident cats are here because they want to be here.

    Not that I'm above telling them how wonderful they are to stay here and take care of me, either.

  15. What a wonderful girl you are! You knew the plain fact that Mommy needed you. So you stayed! You are a perfect little girl.

  16. So how is grandpa feeling now he's back home?

    Dani won't rush out the door if it's open either. The only way we can get her outside is to carry her and let her lounge on the front porch. She loves watching all the traffic, human and otherwise. Our street is a sidestreet so there's not many cars.

    Anyway, you are a good girl Mudpie, and your Mom knows how precious you really are.
