
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Golden Girl #SundaySelfie

Meows from Mudpie!

Today I'm super excited to be the featured anipal at Zoolatry's Animals special event! When Ann & June sent us our graphic and told us what day it was scheduled for, we replied that they couldn't have picked a better weekend. Friday was my Gotcha Day, and today would've been my beloved Grandma's birthday, so it's a pretty special weekend 'round here.

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. Equestrian events are my favorite Olympic sport.

2. I won't spend money on anything I can do myself. I go to the landfill/recycle center so I don't have to pay to have it picked up, I mow the lawn and shovel/plow the driveway myself so I don't have to pay someone to do it, I trim my own hair, I cook my own meals unless I have a really, really good coupon.

3. I've come to terms with the fact that I'm middle-aged. I don't look or feel it though. The other day in Michaels I ran into the mother of a girl I went to high school with and she said I hadn't changed a bit! 

4. My computer search history includes lots of weather forecasts. Back on Monday local meteorologists started warning us about the remnants of Hurricane Debby headed our way. Nothing freaks me out more than predictions of a bad rain storm, so multiple times per day I read and watched every updated forecast I could find. Debby made her arrival on Friday, and while the rain wasn't as bad as expected (under 2"), the wind was horrific! Our airport recorded a 62 MPH gust and there were tens of thousands of power outages statewide, including at our house, but thankfully for only an hour. 


  1. Love this beautiful collage of your gorgeous face, Mudpie!
    Our septuagenarian human does the same as your human mom in numbers 2 and 3. Hugs to you Mudpie and your mom!

  2. We saw you at Zoolatry this morning, Mudpie, and had to come over to say hi. You are a very pretty girl! Happy Gotcha Day!

  3. Ahh, a special weekend for a special Tortie!

  4. Mudpie you simply are a star today. And a beautiful one at that. We're glad to hear that Vermont did not get near the amount of rain this time that it did a few weeks ago. Lynn cuts her own hair too however she let somebody else cut the grass she's getting too old.

  5. Dearest Melissa,
    Mudpie was a very good choice for today indeed and she is beautiful and sweet!
    Mariette + Kitties

  6. What a beautiful collage of pictures of you, Mudpie!

  7. Ann sure did you up right sweet Mudpie! Those were interesting fill-in answers too.

  8. Mudpie what a gorgeous Tortie you are from the tip of your nose all the way down to the tip of your toes
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. mudpie...ewe look az gorgeouz heer, as ewe due over at juney chowderz houz ;) !!! even tho eye did knot watch de gamez, eye like poneez all sew! heerz two a grate week a head ♥♥

  10. Gorgeous! Mom has a lot of weather search stuff too.

  11. so happy you are ok from the remnants of Debby! My favorite summer Olympic Sports are Gymnastics and Swimming. I am the complete opposite about hiring people! DoorDash is my best friend and the best thing to come from COVID!! lol!

  12. Wow! Belated Happy Gotcha Day. Ann did a marvelous job of displaying your star power. You don't need to go for the gold, you already gotcha'd it.

  13. Glad you escaped the worst of Debby - she was one wild storm for so many. Beautiful Mudpie - we love all her photos.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. You look wonderful and Happy Gotcher Day sweet Mudpie. :-)

  15. Miss mudpie, you are a beauty. Thank you to your mom for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. From photos I have seen of her, she looks very young. I wish I could cut my own hair. XO

  16. Mudpie, you look absolutely meowvolous in each of your photos. Ann did a great job on the composite. Congratulations on being the animal of the day, and happy belated Gotcha Day. 🎂🎁🎈We got about 3 1/2 inches of rain from Debby but luckily not a lot of wind. I also hate to hire someone to do things I can do for myself. Unfortunately, as I have aged, I am able to do fewer things. Have a good week. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  17. So pretty, Mudpie. Happy belated gotcha day to you! XO

  18. Oh, Mudpie, we think you should be called Miraculous for your beauty! Or Melange, French for a mixture, as in your colors! What a sweety. You are certainly our friend!

  19. Happy Belated Gotcha Day, Mudpie!

    Our #1 also watches equestrian events and little else. In a couple of weeks, she will be an official steward at the para-dressage competition of the Paralympic Games.

    The Chans

  20. Awww. Sweet selfies. I like watching the equestrian events too, but always start feeling sorry for the horses having to work so hard. I guess they could decide to not run or jump if they didn't enjoy it.

  21. I am glad Debby didn't make too much mess for you and Mudpie.
    Lovely graphic, from Miss Ann!

  22. Mudpie, what a gorgeous series of portraits, all with such cute expressions!

  23. You're so gorgeous! As for the weather, you have my sympathy. Those storms are not fun.
