Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day ~ Alphie's Legacy

Vermont's only cat cafe, the Kitty Korner Cafe in Barre, has faced its share of challenges over the past year. 

In July 2023 a catastrophic flood severely damaged the cafe. Owner Alexis Dexter was forced to hammer holes into the floor to force the flood water into the basement, destroying all the supplies she had stored there. She was a true hero and managed to keep every one of the 57 cats in her care safe. 

The cafe was closed for months while repairs were made, and shockingly, on the one year anniversary of the 2023 flood, the cafe was damaged by yet another flood! Thankfully the damage was nowhere near as bad this time, but the basement had to be mucked out yet again. 

Then on July 24, 2024, a Good Samaritan found a horribly neglected cat at a local playground and brought her into the cafe. Alphie was skin and bones, dehydrated, and barely able to lift her head. After days of fluids, antibiotics, and syringe feeding, Alphie began the slow process of recovery. She began eating on her own, using the litter box, talking little walks, even discovering the joy of playing with toys.

Her favorite place became the shop's front window where she could soak up the sun. People would walk by the window and stop into the cafe to ask about her and shower her with the love and attention she'd obviously never received before. One of her fans even redecorated her window seat one weekend with a bed, blankie, and toys, all for her. 

This past Saturday afternoon the weather was so nice that Alphie got to go outside where she watched the world go by in the sun. Sadly, her precious little body had sustained too much abuse, and on Sunday, August 25th, Alphie crossed the Rainbow Bridge. 

The heartbreaking announcement on the cafe's Facebook page is a must read...

"Whoever Alphie began her life with did everything they could to make this girl suffer and in the end, they caused something we couldn't fix with all the love in the world," Alexis wrote. "She brought a community together, made people smile and brought awareness to a sad but true reality where not every cat gets the love they deserve until it's too late," she added. "If people could be half as good and pure as this little kitty, we would live in a much better place." 

This is Alphie's legacy. 

Even though I never had the honor of meeting her in person, I will never, ever forget Alphie, and I know everyone who followed her story feels the same way. 


This special day was created by Deborah Barnes – author, award winning blogger, and cat advocate in tribute to her cat, Mr. Jazz, who she had to say goodbye to on August 28, 2013. She shared the journey of letting him go in her book, “Purr Prints of the Heart: A Cat’s Tale of Life, Death, and Beyond,” a warm and heartfelt book that is written in the wise and comforting voice of Mr. Jazz himself as he shares his life and death journey to offer guidance and understanding through a cat’s perspective as to why sometimes letting a pet go can be the greatest gift you give them.

A special event page for Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day has been created on Facebook so that people can share blog post links, pictures, poems, favorite memories, etc.


Zoolatry said...

We share in the sadness of all in your community who knew and loved this special little kitty. One who lived a hard, hard life ~ but was on her way through it all. It is devastating that her journey had to end before she made it all the way. May she now, rest well forever, free of pain, free of hurt, and find joy and happy days ~ beyond her own, so well deserved, rainbow. Forever, Alphie.

Lynn and Precious said...

There are so many sad stories like this. It breaks our heart to read and it breaks our heart and when we know it in person. I'm so glad this story showed this sweet kitty had a Short Happy Life. Way too short though.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Melissa,
You probably meant '2024' instead of 2004... July 24, 2004, a Good Samaritan found a horribly neglected cat
What a horrible neglect and even with all the love Alphie received in her final stage of life, she succumbed to all the suffering.
Imagine, never having been found!
Can't wrap my head around the cruelty of some human beings!
We received such a terrible neglected kitty, that was put out on our driveway and lived in the magnolia tree. Our most expensive kitty ever as the medical bills were high and in the end, he still didn't make it. We had to put him down as in his constant pain he was attacking our tiny Tiggy–Tiger. So sad, especially after trying so hard!
WISH people would become more considerate.
Mariette + Kitties

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Such a sad but heartwarming story about Alphie. Thank goodness for peeps like the Good Samaritan who found her and the wonderful kindhearted caretaker who gave her all to help Alphie try to survive. We love peeps like that.

Woos - Misty and Timber

pilch92 said...

That poor kitty. I can't even bear to watch the video. XO

CCL Wendy said...

At least poor precious Alfie spent her final days in a loving environment, and having her every need tended to. Yes, it is very sad, but she is all better on the Rainbow Bridge and can bask in the glow of the love that you gave her.

Kitties Blue said...

This story of Alphie made our mom cry. We are happy that her last month on earth was filled with love and care. All those who harm animals should be prosecuted and punished. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

Leah said...

That is such a sad story about Alfie, that poor little kitty. It's good she got to experience some love and care in her life, but still, this story utterly breaks my heart.

meowmeowmans said...

That's just heartbreaking. We are thankful that Alphie knew so much love during her last month on earth.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

LOve, Alphie knew it, and your kindness and love is all she'll take into eternity.

Deb Barnes said...

A poignant story. I'm so sorry she got her angel wings, but eternally grateful for the love and care she was given after her rescue. Such a precious little love. Purrs from Deb and Purr Prints of the Heart on behalf of Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day.

M Dawson said...

Oh this broke my hearts. Alphie I am so very sorry, you deserved better.

God bless you sweet friend.

Smudge said...

Oh man, we just read Angel Alfie's sad story and share belatedly in the sadness. The poor little thing didn't deserve this.