
Saturday, August 24, 2024

Still Waiting For Fall #CaturdayArt

And now our weekly answers (all answered by Mommy this week) for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. I am in my cat lady era. Can an era last from birth until death? 

2. I am insecure about my smile

3. I'm really happy with my recent purchase of cat-related Halloween decor. I've been going to TJ Maxx and HomeGoods every other day for the past month.

4. My alarm clock is usually set for 9am. I'm a night owl.


  1. Looking lovely as always, Mudpie. I never set my alarm. I wake up when I am ready and often stop in bed longer. I had enough of early mornings when I was younger.

  2. I absolutely love the artwork this morning as every morning this past week it's been cool enough to turn fullness on for a little bit. But the 90° weather is coming back and the trees are still green and the flowers are still blooming thank goodness. Precious wanted to say she was very glad that pizza box is safe because you know how she feels about her blue bag.

  3. Mudpie, I know I say it over and over, but YOU are beautiful. And the art is fabulous.

  4. Such pretty art sweet Mudpie and those were good answers too!

  5. Beautiful art. I love fall as you know. :) Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I wish I lived closer to those stores so I could go more often. All the Halloween stuff this year is great. I really like Michael's hippie collection. I have seen your photo and your smile is beautiful. XO

  6. My, you are certainly thinking well ahead Mudpie! Fall is still not on the horizon, especially with the hotter weather. Although, I must applaud your planning for it all. You sure are one organized kitty!

  7. Great art, Mudpie! And we promise that Fall will be here soon!

  8. That's really lovely, Magpie! The autumnal art does suit your colouring. It's still the height of summer here but it's nice to dream of cooler days.

  9. Verynicely done, Mudpie. We are anxiously awaiting fall; it is just too darn hot for us.

    Mommy is the opposite of your Mom, never a night owl, and always a morning person.

    Woos - Misty and Timber
