Thursday, September 26, 2024

#ShineALight for Pet Adoption #RememberMeThursday

I have a cousin who worked for our local humane society back in the 1980s, and I will never forget the day she told me that on the day a dog was to be euthanized they would go out and get them a hamburger from McDonalds as one last special meal. If that doesn't simply gut you I just don't know what to say. I can't even type it without crying. Those innocent little angels deserved the kind of life your own cherished pets enjoy, but they were never given that chance.

We've come a long way since then - this same shelter now adopts out animals so quickly we're able to partner with shelters down south to save even more lives - but as a nation we still have a long, long way to go. The sad truth is, for over a million healthy, adoptable animals each year, help never comes. Thanks to awareness that number has consistently decreased in the last decade, but just one animal dying alone, forgotten in a shelter, is one too many.

That's why animal-lovers and animal welfare organizations across the globe will unite today with a Remember Me Thursday pet candle-lighting ceremony. The candles, which will be lit on the exact same day across the world, will honor the millions of pets who lost their lives without the benefit of a loving home and shine a light on the millions of healthy pets who are still awaiting adoption. The Remember Me Thursday global awareness campaign encourages individuals to light a candle this day (literally or virtually) and to opt to adopt, reducing the millions of orphan pets euthanized each year.

Orphaned pets can't speak for themselves. We are their only voice. Spread the word about Remember Me Thursday on Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels. Don’t forget to use the hashtags #RememberMeThursday and #SeeTheLight to share your thoughts and feelings about the importance of pet adoption.

CONTEST: Win life-saving funds or food for a rescue or shelter of your choice! Take a photo of your rescue pet and tag the picture with #RememberMeThursday and #ShineALight on social media to be entered into the challenge!


Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Melissa,
It sure is heart breaking to see so many lonely pets that never get a chance to experience a loving home.
We adopted three from the Humane Society, one out of state.
They are so happy and grateful for having found their humans!!!
May people become more responsible in having their pets spayed and neutered so they don't have to suffer for being born unwanted...
Mariette + Kitties

Lynn and Precious said...

Thank you for this post. Our fur babies rescued from Humane Societies and out of the hands of danger of the outside world make the best fur babies ever. I really don't understand how anyone could actually euthanize the animals have the Humane Society when I know they have to. It's a job I would never be able to do without breaking down.

The Island Cats said...

Shelters are trying to do better. But it's still sad that we lose so many wonderful animals because there aren't enough homes.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I hope there are many happy homes found as a result of today. A place that kills animals shouldn't be allowed to call themselves a shelter.

Katie Isabella said...

I loved the post. Melissa, and this Remember Me Thursday each year as well. I agree with Brian, If you kill those helpless souls, you are not a shelter!

pilch92 said...

Thanks for shining the light on pet adoption. XO