
Saturday, January 11, 2025

Caturday Art

Visit more artsy kitties at Athena's Caturday Art blog hop!

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs!

1. I will keep my old appliances over new ones any day. Nothing made today will last anywhere near as long.

2. My theme song for the year is I Will Survive.

3. Evening cuddle/reading/TV time with Mudpie is the most relaxing part of my day.

4. Morning is the most stressful part of my day.


  1. Pretty art, Mudpie.
    Good fill ins, nothing lasts long nowadays but old appliances go on almost forever. I don't like mornings either. I am a night person and get grumpy until I have had at least one cup of strong coffee in the morning.

  2. What brilliant artwork this morning. Mudpie is so adaptable to the different art that you use. She's a beauty. Glad to know that she's got a purr in her.

  3. Such lovely art! It's so true that they don't build things to last these days.

  4. Mudpie, you are the perfect model for Mom's beautiful art creations.

    We have an upright full sized freezer in our garage that Mom and Dad have had since 1974. It runs like a charm and never needs a repair. The only negative about is that it is not self-defrosting. So Mom has to find room in the two refrigerator freezer once or twice a year so she can defrost it on a very hot Kansas day.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  5. That's a lovely artification, Mudpie. It looks like LunaPic. Is it?
    Mummy SO agrees with all of your own Mom's fill-ins!

  6. Very pretty sweet Mudpie! Good answers too and you are so right about the appliances.

  7. Pawsome artwork, sweet Mudpie. Wished you could do a puzzle of it😸😸Those were great answers and #1 totally agree. Extra Pawkiss for the both of you🐾😽💞
