
Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sun On Snow Is Blinding! #SundaySelfie

We're joining our friends at The Cat on My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop! 

And now our weekly answers for the Friendly Fill-Ins challenge, hosted by 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs! 

1. Some find today's sitcoms funny, but I don't. Most are just plain stupid. Give me I Love Lucy, All in the Family, and ALF any day! 

2. Adopt a cat. They say money can't buy happiness, but it can in the form of an adoption fee! 

3. I never finished reading Gone with the Wind because it's too long. Honestly, I've never even started it! 

4. I can't remember the last thing that made me genuinely laugh. I'm sure it was something Mudpie did though because she brings me joy every single day! 


  1. Beautiful photo. Sunshine on snow, not our favorite thing the snow. We're expecting it today though. I'm like you on the funny old TV shows. I'm lucky I can get so many from the library on dvd. I'm even watching Gilligan's Island this winter and it's just downright silly.

  2. As long as there's sun, it makes having snow more tolerable. Cute selfie!

  3. I knew the rest of us were in trouble so to speak, when I read some 10 years ago that sitcoms and other sorts of programming--- were for the biggest group of spenders on products out there...the groups from t'weens through twenties. I can't stand that crap either. It's a good thing I love to read!! As for Gone With the Wind, I think I have read it three times. Once you get started you are transported to that tie and okay and you can't wait to pick it up the next day and read more.

  4. And sun on snow...whoa Nelly! Just a killer for the eyes.

  5. We are getting lots of snow now, and even with the cloud cover, the whiteness is blinding.

  6. Thank COD there is sunshine but no white stuff here.

  7. Beautiful selfie. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers. I haven't even seen the film version. I agree about sitcoms out right now, but recently Big Bang was good. XO

  8. Lovely selfie! Mum says she read Gone With The Wind all the way through years ago. And yes, it's very long!

  9. mudpie yur selfeez pawesum awesum and de gurl total lee agreez with yur mom bout I Love Lucy ~~~~her haz all de epppa sodez on DEE VEE DEE !!! ♥♥♥ heerz two a grate week a head !!

  10. Oh, yes, the sun does that on you, but it made you look even cuter than effurr, sweet Mudpie😻Great fill in answers. We prefurr the movie Gone with the wind, much easier to 'read'😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday to the both of you 🐾😽💞

  11. I know what you mean, sunshine always makes me screw my eyes closed! We both need sunglasses!

  12. We do love our snow, Mudpie, but the sun feels quite nice on our furs too. In fact, Timber's inner clock looks every day around 11:00 in the morning for his favorite sunpuddle in the family room. You look radiant in your sunny selfie.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  13. Some of those old shows are worth rewatching over and over. Mudpie, I'd squint, too. You look beautiful when you squint.

  14. The old sitcoms were way better than the ones today. You need some shades, Mudpie. That sun on snow is super duper bright for sure!

  15. That's quite the pretty and bright selfie sweet Mudpie. Those were good answers too. I agree with #1, there is nothing funny about what is called comedy today.
